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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"New Moon" Premiere Survival Guide!

You have November 20 circled on your calendar. You've read all the Twilight blogs. You've watched the trailers a bazillion times. But, still, you know that come New Moon premiere night, it's gonna be wolf-eat-wolf out there!
To make sure you have the ultimate Twi-experience (without getting torn apart), we came up with this handy step-by-step guide on how to prepare for the big day, which is just over a month away!
1. Get advance tickets! This is more for peace of mind. You don't want to be left out on the cold when every showing is sold out, do you? There are several sites you can go to NOW to get tix to screenings on November 20, including: movietickets.com, fandango.com and AMC Theaters. If they don't have them now, keep checking back on all three sites closer to the premiere date for screenings in your area. You'll probs need your parents' credit card, so start sucking up to them!

2. Have Your Premiere Team In Place! Um, hello? You don’t want to get stuck sitting in the front row, do you? ("Hey, I can see up RPattz's nose!") Make sure you've lined up which of your besties is going with you and what everyone's role is — seat saver, ticket retriever, candy getter, bathroom scouter, etc.! You'll probably need at least 4 peeps, but if you have less, divide up the duties. This is like strategizing for battle, only more intense!

3. Choose your clothes now! Better to get this out of the way then to hold everyone up while you apply glitter to your entire body in an effort at getting that Cullen effect. And, no, you don't HAVE to dress up like a character, but it's a good convo starter when you're waiting in line. Maybe you'll meet an Edward lookalike when you're dressed as Bella!

4. Tune out as much as possible! Yes, you know how this one's gonna end, if you've read the book. But you won't know HOW director Chris Weitz put all the pieces in place. So try to stay as spoiler-free about the movie as possible to maximize the Taylor shirtless viewing pleasure. The New Moon Illustrated Companion just came out, which has lots of behind-the-scenes info. Think you can avoid reading it until after November 20? It's called willpower, people!

5A. Drink lots of tea with honey! Why, you ask? Well, you're going to want to keep those pipes fresh and healthy, because you may be doing lots of screaming once you're sitting in that theater and the lights go down! But if you're not a screamer, you may want to consider...

5B. Buy earplugs! Telling people to "shhhh!!!" during the important parts? Not gonna work. That's why you may need one of these special filtered earplugs, which blocks out ambient noise (annoying girl next to you losing her mind during any Rob scene) while making sure you can still hear what's happening onscreen. Sure, they're a little more expensive than cotton balls, but your eardrums will thank you!

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