In the interview Peter talks about Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. He also explains why he has not let his oldest daughter, Fiona, read the whole Twilight Saga -
“It’s a very thick book. I think that two movies would be a good thing for the franchise. I support it, but ultimately it’s up to what Summit decides,” Peter chatted, though he seemed to pick his words very carefully.Peter and Jennie are awesome parents.
“I’m having a great time with the franchise, so if we get to do two more that would be fun.”
“The battle in Eclipse was superfun. We got to do a lot of fight training and choreography, and I’m looking forward to the fans seeing that. They get to see the Cullens in a way they’ve never seen them before,” the star mysterious teased.
Peter was proud to boast of his stunt work too, claiming, “I tried to do as much as I could, or as much as they allowed me to do. If I didn’t go home with a bruise, I didn’t feel like I put in a good day’s work.”
When we brought up the Twilight franchise, Peter told us “Well my 12-year-old has read the first two for sure.” And Jennie quickly chimed in: “But that’s it!”
Do the Facinelli parents think the series is too racy for tweens? Seems so! We asked if the couple thought the much-talked-about fourth book was too naughty, and Jennie, who was only half listening as she cuddled and kissed her youngest daughter Fiona, turned to me and blurted “Yeah!”
“I got to spread them out. Let her get old enough to read the other two. I think I would let her read the third one though when she hits 13 for sure,” Peter confessed.
[Source: E!Online.
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