FearNet has an interview with David Slade.
Check it all out here.
Here is an excerpt:
Stephenie Meyer’s unique vampire mythology sort of helps one get around depicting graphic violence, doesn’t it? Eclipse features a lot of arm-ripping, head-smashing action — and yet not too much blood.
We managed to pack quite a lot in by making the pathology of this vampire a little bit fantastic. I worked with the guys over at Imagine Engine, who are best known for being one of the main vendors on District 9, which is an amazing film. They did a hell of a lot of the alien work. They did some wolf work for us — not all of it, that was mainly done by Tippett Studios — but when we were designing some of the crystal-sparkly stuff we basically sat down and figured out how it would work. We got anatomical drawings and did human slices — not real ones, but photographs of them — and figured out which layers would be crystal and how that would work. We figured that out because we knew we had to smash them. In a way, it was going to be acceptable to decapitate the hell out of people and smash their heads off in pieces. Bite people’s arms off and leave them with stumps. [Laughs] I’m amazed we got away with that, too, [in the scene where] Riley’s arm gets bitten off.
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