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Thursday, March 11, 2010

10 Interesting Tidbits When You Pause the Trailer

  • The initial shot of the Summit logo has the early Eclipse treatment ghosted in the background with the Eclipse breaking over the mountain top.
  • Mark .19 Is that a shiny engagement ring we see on Bella’s finger, or did Edward’s sparkles rub off?
  • Mark .25 Enter the four Volturi: Demetri, Alec, Jane, Felix. Here’s to more lines from all of them!
  • Mark.29 Kristen’s “hide the mullet” wig looks pretty good here.
  • Mark .32 Is that a Quileuete tribal design Edward is clutching, or is it a graphic of a vampire found back when Bella looked up vampire myths in Twilight.
  • Mark .35 The Target purple comforter is back. If Target would actually still sell that in wider distribution, they’d make a mint!
  • Mark .40 Welcome back Sarah Clarke as Renee!
  • Mark 1.01 Could this be the site of the battle with the newborns?
  • Mark 1.09 Why hello there Bryce Dallas Howard looking fierce and catlike.
  • Mark 1.20 Is that the same location as 1.01. the geographic features seem right.

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