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Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Spy With My Little Eye … Bella’s Engagement Ring?!

It appears that we may have our first (fuzzy) glimpse of Bella Swan’s Engagement ring!! Check out the above image taken from the recently released Eclipse Trailer (Screencap courtesy of MTV).
Here is the description of Bella’s ring, taken directly from the novel Eclipse -
“Nestled into the black satin, Elizabeth Masen’s ring sparkled in the dim light. The face was a long oval, set with slanting rows of glittering round stones. The band was gold — delicate and narrow. The gold made a fragile web around the diamonds.”
-Eclipse, Stephenie Meyer
So EclipseMovie.org readers — do we have a winner? Is that Bella’s engagement ring we see on that pretty little finger? Discuss below!

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