FearNet has up a great article on ten things they loved to see in the Eclipse Trailer, oh I loved them too!!
You can check it all out here.
Below are a few they mention (I must say the scenery is breathtaking, David did a fantastic job filming this incredible landscape!!!)
David Slade’s Naturalistic Cinematography
It’s been clear through Slade’s on-set Tweets that the man has an eye for gorgeous photography; that sensibility is evident in the way he’s chosen to film Eclipse, with naturalistic cinematography unlike both Catherine Hardwicke’s lo-fi Twilight and Chris Weitz’s crisp and polished New Moon. The landscapes we see in the trailer, all mountains and sparkling rivers and muted light peeking through the clouds, emphasize the setting of Eclipse’s big showdown (without a single glimpse of Victoria’s new hunting ground, Seattle) with location filming that looks fantastically authentic.
First Look at the New Victoria in Action
No matter how you feel about Rachelle Lefevre’s departure from the Twilight franchise, you’re just going to have to get used to Bryce Dallas Howard’s new Victoria. So it’s a good thing that the trailer introduces her in a big way, by leaping across a river in one impressive effects shot. More importantly, it also shows how Slade’s vampire action might solve the weightlessness problem of Twilight’s wire work while feeling more realistic (i.e. not too CG heavy) than that in New Moon. (Then again, we don’t know how his fight action will look just yet.)
More Shirtless Jacob Posing, If You Like That Sort of Thing
Of course, there’s the obligatory shot of a shirtless Jacob, standing tall in the mountains as his bare chest glows in the sunlight. And he’s upgraded to khakis.
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