About.com has an interview with Ashley Greene.
Check it all out here.
Here is an excerpt:
Has your approach to playing Alice changed over the course of the three films? Do you like her better now than when you started?
Ashley Greene: “She’s a great character and I’ve always loved Alice. Of course, it’s changed since we’re working with different directors each time. This character is essentially me at certain points. You know what I mean? I’m so aware of everything little thing about Alice’s life. I’ve been immersed in this Twilight world, so sometimes there are things that I don’t notice or things I don’t think about. Because you see yourself every single day and you don’t notice if your hair is different or you don’t notice if you’ve gained or lost weight; other people notice it. Having these other directors come in is kind of nice since they give me a different perspective. She has grown a little bit in different ways with each director, I think.”
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